
Our team is here to help you be pain-free

Let us help you with your treatment program


Specializing in Treatment of Spine Conditions  (i.e., back pain, neck pain, and more)

Common Diagnoses Are:

- Hip and Knee Reconstruction (Total Joint Replacements)

- Arthroscopic Surgeries

- Frozen Shoulder/Capsulitis

- Muscle and Joint Sprains

- Foot & Ankle Conditions

- Carpal Tunnel

- Lymphedema

- Neuropathy 

- Headaches

- Sciatica

- Neurological Injuries

- Sports Injuries

- Automobile Injuries

Neck and back pain can be caused by numerous spinal conditions. Our team specializes in reducing spinal pain caused by a number of factors including injuries, lifestyle, arthritis, degenerative diseases, and more. Physical Therapy can help provide pain relief, increased strength in your core and extremities, improved flexibility, improved posture, and the ability to safely move your body as you return to your normal day to day activities.


Physical Therapy Massage is focused on rehabilitating muscle and joint strength, mobility, and function. Our team of skilled Massage Therapists are here to help optimize your ongoing treatment. In addition to providing muscle relaxation and pain relief, Massage Therapy can strengthen the immune system, improve circulation, improve posture and flexibility, and boost your mood.

Ask about our Massage Therapy Specials!


We now offer Pelvic Health and Education. Pelvic Health can be described as bladder, bowel and reproductive organs functioning at their best ability. When these organs are not working efficiently, it can have negative impacts on your daily life. 

Common diagnoses we treat include:

- Pelvic Pain

- Pevic Muscle Weakness

- Urinary Incontinence

- Fecal Incontinence

- Constipation

If you experience any of the above referenced symptoms, you may benefit from Pelvic Health Physical Therapy. Our experienced Pelvic Health specialist will get you back to feeling 100%.

See our Pelvic Health Referral Form on our Home Page, or give us a call and we can answer any of your questions!


Do you or someone you know experience numbness, burning, or tingling in the hands and feet? You may have a form of Neuropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy, or Carpal Tunnel.

We treat Neuropathy and Carpal Tunnel with a new instrument called the Rebuilder. Unlike medication which masks symptoms, the ReBuilder is an electrical device used in therapy that actually rebuilds damaged nerves in the hands and feet by repairing nerve wave lengths AND re-educates the surrounding muscles to work properly again.

We've successfully helped dozens of patients in our clinics. The treatment is covered under most health insurances. Best part yet, there is basically no negative side effects. For Carpal Tunnel, we do not say this will reverse all its signs or cure you from it completely, but it does work wonders on reducing the tingling and burning sensation in the hands.


StayFIT offers a traditional form of medicine called Cupping. It can aid treatment as it provides pain relief by decreasing inflammation and increasing bloodflow.  This techinique is useful for muscle strains and injuries. Cupping is offered at both locations.

Read our Patient Results

Patient Results are documented during the patient's treatment. A Success Story is written when a patient has completed their treatment plan and is being discharged.

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